Job stress has proven to be a difficult issue for the occupational health community and the labor movement to tackle. Unlike physical or chemical hazards, there is not an obvious tangible hazardous agent. This issue has also been preempted by corporate stress management, health promotion, or employee assistance programs, which explain stress as a purely personal reaction, and often treat the symptoms, not the causes, of job stress. (1) (2) There has been legitimate resistance to this "stress management" model which "blames the victim" and ignores the objective basis of job stress. The occupational stress field of job stress. The occupational stress field also has been plagued by a variety of definitions and difficulties in measurement of stress. In addition, changes in job design or work organization are often inherently more "systems challenging" and require more radical restructuring of workplaces than reducing levels of exposure to toxic substances or ergonomic hazards. This article was prompted, in part, by the need to address such concerns. (3)
A number of specific stressful working conditions, such as repetitive work, assembly-line work, electronic monitoring or surveillance, involuntary overtime, piece-rate work, inflexible hours, arbitrary supervision, and deskilled work, have been studied and recently reviewed. (4) Over the last 14 years, a new model of job stress (figure 1) developed by Robert Karasek (5), has highlighted two key elements of these stressors, and has been supported by a growing body of evidence. Karasek's "job strain" model states that the greatest risk to physical and mental health from stress occurs to workers facing high psychological workload demands or pressures combined with low control or decision latitude in meeting those demands. (6) Job demands are defined by questions such as "working very fast," "working very hard," and not "enough time to get the job done." Job decision latitude is defined as both the ability to use skills on the job and the decision-making authority available to the worker. In some recent studies, this model was expanded to include a third factor - the beneficial effects of workplace social support. (7)
While there are a variety of models of "job stress, the "job strain" model (which is the focus of this paper) emphasizes the inter-action between demands and control in causing stress, and objective constraints on action in the work environment, rather than individual perceptions or "person-environment fit." In addition, other important work related and "social" stressors exist that are less directly connected to the concept of "job strain," but may also have significant health consequences. These include increasing work hours (8,9), and sexual (10,11) or racial harassment or discrimination.
Most studies of the
"job strain" model have focused on outcomes such as
cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure, heart disease) and
psychological distress (anxiety and depression). Since heart disease
is the most common cause of death in industrialized countries,
and because the "job strain" and heart disease studies
have been recently reviewed (12), this article will summarize
the evidence that "job strain" is linked to heart disease.
We then review the evidence demonstrating that interventions targeted
at altering objective working conditions can produce beneficial
effects on job demands, decision latitude, and social support.
(13) We also review collective bargaining, legislative and other
efforts to reduce "job strain" specifically and job
stress in general. Together, these studies and programs provide
convincing evidence that job design and work organization are
risk factors for cardiovascular illness and that these can be
The issue of job stress
is of more importance to the occupational health community and
the labor movement for two compelling reasons:
First, there is the
potential for preventing much illness and death. More than 50
million Americans have high blood pressure, and, in 95 percent
of cases, the cause is unknown. (14) (This type is called "essential"
hypertension, as opposed to cases where there is a recognized
cause, such as an adrenal gland disorder or kidney disease. )
High blood pressure is a major cause of heart disease and stroke.
(14) While estimates of the proportion of heart disease possibly
due to "job strain" vary greatly between studies, Karasek
and Theorell (5, p. 167) calculate that up to 23 percent of heart
disease could potentially be prevented (over 150,000 deaths prevented
per year in the U.S.) if we reduced the level of "job strain"
in jobs with the worst strain levels to the average of other occupations.
(15) The economic costs of job stress in general (absenteeism,
lost productivity) are difficult to estimate but could be as high
as several $100 billion (5, p. 167-8).
Second, Karasek's model
emphasizes another major negative consequence of work organization-how
the assembly­line and the principles of Taylorism, with its
focus on reducing workers' skills and influence, can produce passivity,
learned helplessness, and lack of participation (at work, in the
community, and in politics). The "job strain" model
(figure 1) has two components - increasing risk of heart disease
following arrow A, but increasing activity, participation, self
esteem, motivation to learn, and sense of accomplishment following
arrow B. Thus, this model provides a justification and a public
health foundation for efforts to achieve workplace democracy.
Democracy at work should be promoted as not only just and fair,
but also as a method to reduce ill health, and to allow for fuller
development of people's emotional, intellectual, and social capabilities.
Over the last decade,
14 studies on "job strain" and heart disease including
two of all-cause mortality and 20 studies on "job strain"
and heart disease risk factors have been published. These have
been conducted in Sweden, the U.S., Finland, Denmark, Australia,
and Japan, provide strong evidence that "job strain"
is a risk factor for heart disease. (12)
Of the 14 heart disease
studies, 12 showed clear associations between "job strain"
and heart disease. Most of these studies controlled for other
(potentially confounding) heart disease risk factors. More importantly,
of the eight cohort studies of heart disease and all-cause mortality,
seven showed strong positive associations (7, 16­21). (The
cohort studies followed people over time and therefore
are less likely to be biased.)
In the 20 studies of
"job strain" and independent risk factors (for heart
disease), the following patterns were seen. Three studies found
no association between "job strain" and serum cholesterol.
Two studies found a link between "job strain" and smoking
(22, 23), while two did not. (One of the negative studies (24),
however, did show higher rates of smoking at lower levels of job
decision latitude.) Of nine studies of blood pressure measured
in a clinical setting, only one found a significant association.
However, of the eight studies where an ambulatory (portable) blood
pressure monitor was worn during a work day, five showed strong
positive associations between "job strain" and blood
pressure (2~30), while the other three provided mixed results.
(25, 31, 32) Since ambulatory blood pressure is both more reliable
(since there is no observer bias and the number of readings is
greatly increased) and more valid (since blood pressure is measured
during a person's normal daily activities) than casual measures
of blood pressure, we feel confident in placing more emphasis
on the ambulatory blood pressure results. We conclude that one
pathway between "job strain" and heart disease is elevated
blood pressure (12), possibly mediated by increases in catecholamines
and cortisol (33), increased autonomic nervous system activity
(for example, increased heart rate), and/or increased mass of
the hearts left ventricle. (34)
A variety of issues were raised in these 34 studies, including methodological concerns, and factors which may modify the impact of "job strain" on heart disease (for example, gender, race, and socioeconomic status (SES)). For example, the
studies used various
methods and survey questions to measure the concept of "job
strain," one limitation of the research. However, Karasek's
Job Content Questionnaire (35), which maintains 14 basic questions
on task­level demands, skill use, and authority, was frequently
used in these studies. The concept of task­level job demands
was primarily measured by questions about workload demands. However,
it is important to expand the concept to include other stressors
such as responsibility for people, role conflict, role ambiguity,
and threat of violence or injury. In addition, while questions
on task­level control and demands were available in U.S. and
Swedish national surveys, questions on control, either individually
or collectively (36, 37), over departmental or organization -
level policies and decisions (38) were not. Strengths of the "job
strain" model are its simplicity and clarity, its prediction
of both health and behavioral outcomes, and its emphasis on classifying
features of the work environment into the categories of demands
or control. However, the model would benefit from the inclusion
of various dimensions of demands and control (such as those listed
above) used in the more complex Michigan job stress model (39)
and the NIOSH Generic Job Stress questionnaire. (40)
In addition, in 10 studies,
a technique was used to develop more "objective" measures
of job characteristics. National averages of job characteristics
for a particular job title were assigned to individuals having
that job title, ignoring the fact that job characteristics vary
for people even within the same job title. Six of these 10 studies
provided positive results. Thus, despite errors in measurement
which make it more likely that links between "job strain"
and illness will not be found even when they do exist, it is remarkable
that consistent positive patterns have been found.
In seven of the 10 studies
where comparisons could be made, the effects of "job strain"
were similar for men and women. (However, a higher proportion
of U.S. women workers face "job strain." (5, p. 45-6)
As the Framingham Heart Study (41) and other research (42) make
clear, many women face a dual set of demands from work outside
and within the home. "High strain" work (that is, "
job strain" may interact with home demands to increase heart
disease risk for certain subgroups of workers. In addition, "job
strain," as currently measured, may not adequately "capture"
other stresses faced by women workers such as salary and promotion
inequities or sexual harassment. (10, 11)
Another factor is race
or ethnic group. Two of three studies, which reported this information,
showed a higher proportion of African­American workers in
the "high strain" group (27, 31), suggesting that the
increased risk of hypertension faced by African-Americans in the
U.S. may be, in part, a result of more "job strain."
Since only three studies have been conducted with a predominantly
non­Caucasian population, further research is needed to determine
to what extent the concept is appropriate and still a risk factor
among other racial/ethnic groups.
The relation between
"job strain" and SES has also been debated. Many studies
statistically control for education (as a measure of social class),
and still find that "job strain" increases the risk
of heart disease. Conventional social status scales are poorly
correlated with "job strain" (5, p. 77), indicating
that the "job strain" findings are not simply due to
the association between lower SES and heart disease. (43) There
are "high strain" white collar clerical jobs in the
low­to­middle part of the job status hierarchy, and some
blue-collar craft jobs that allow for a high level of skill development
and autonomy. Low status and low income occur in "low strain,"
"passive," and ''high strain" jobs (figure 1).
Only four studies compared
social class groups- finding that blue­collar workers, workers
with less education, or female clerical workers had a substantially
stronger association between "job strain" and heart
disease than higher SES groups. Lower SES groups also have higher
rates of heart disease and heart disease risk factors (43), and
"job strain" may interact with these risk factors. (44)
Limited economic resources may play a role. "Job strain"
may also interact with chemical and physical health hazards on
these jobs (carbon monoxide, solvents, lead, noise, shiftwork),
or other psychosocial hazard s such as fear of job loss. (44)
Such occupational risk factors may cluster together, and "job
strain" may be increased by automation, or by increased work
quotas due to budget cuts.
While scientific proof
for the "job strain" model is not yet conclusive, preventive
action can be undertaken to reduce potential health risks. In
the U.S., efforts to reduce occupational stress continue to focus
primarily on changing the individual behavior of employees (for
example, relaxation techniques, exercise, diet, cognitive/behavioral
skills). (45) However, a growing number of programs and interventions
are attempting to change various workplace sources of stress.
While none of these interventions was specifically designed to
reduce "job strain," many focused on changing components
of "job strain" (for example, inducing demands, increasing
control, enhancing support). In addition, these programs have
rarely included objective measures of heart disease risk. However,
their lessons provide a valuable guide to future illness prevention
and job redesign efforts, and to broader efforts to increase workplace
democracy. Efforts to reduce or prevent job strains have been
work site based, community­based, industry­wide (in some
cases of collective bargaining) or statewide or national in scope,
in the case of legislation or regulations. U.S. work site programs
have mainly been the result of both social science based organizational
reform efforts (known as Action Research) and collective bargaining.
These programs are reviewed in the following sections.
The most well­developed
applied research tradition on bringing about planned change in
organizations is the field of Organization Development (OD). OD
has its roots in the "human relations" management and
social theorists of the 1940s­'50s, who were reacting to the
dehumanization, alienation, and bureaucracy characteristic of
scientific management (Taylorism). (46, 47) OD practitioners conducted
innovative work reform experiments during the 1950~'70s, including
early joint labor­management Quality of Work Life (QWL) programs.
These focused primarily on social relationships (for example,
a sense of belonging, supportive supervision, participation in
decision­making) rather than the technical features of production
and work organization. In the 1980s, OD practitioners "discovered"
the importance of technology, especially European Socio-Technical
Systems (STS) theory, which promotes semiautonomous work teams.
More importantly, by the 1980s, many OD professionals lost sight
of their original stated mission to attempt to serve both employer
interests and employee needs and applied their trade primarily
on behalf of employers. (48, 49).
Scandinavian work reform
experiments in the 1960s-'70s, while influenced by the same human
relations research (and also reacting against the dehumanizing
effects of scientific management), placed a greater emphasis on
technical aspects of production (for example, piece­rate,
shiftwork, technology) as well as an understanding that physical
illness and injury is an outcome of work organization (50)
-- an outcome which has been largely ignored by OD. These different
emphases, along with a progressive political climate and a highly
unionized work force, led eventually to work environment legislation
in the 1970s in Scandinavia and continuing job redesign and work
reform efforts today. (5, 51) These experiments, and the emphasis
on health as an outcome of work, also laid the foundations
for Karasek's model, and much stress research both in Scandinavia
and the U.S.
Many OD and QWL efforts
have failed, however, because of factors such as lack of support
by top management or supervisors, failure to delegate authority,
a bureaucratic, authoritarian climate, and rigid job descriptions
and personnel practices. (52, 53) Some interventions have led
to increased workload or "speedup" (54, 55), work force
reductions (46), or were initiated as attempts to avoid
unionization (56, 57) or weaken the existing union. (49, 58) However,
positive experiences with cooperative programs have also been
reported by some unions (59, 60), and the debate continues
in the labor movement over the potential value of these programs
in specific situations.
Recognizing these limitations,
unions and occupational health professionals have much to gain
by adopting the valuable set of techniques and processes (intervention
research methods) developed by OD, and using them on behalf of
workers. One of these methods is known as Action Research (AR).
AR involves a partnership between outside experts (usually social
scientists) and members of organizations in defining problems,
developing intervention tactics, introducing changes that benefit
organization members, and measuring outcomes. (38) Issues and
changes that this approach typically involves include decision­making
structures and processes, task and role demands, information and
communication practices, work schedules, and training policies.
AR can be classified into "expert-dominated" approaches
(also allied "weak" AR), in contrast to "strong"
versions where there is relative equality among researchers and
organization members in all aspects of the intervention and research
process also termed Participatory Action Research (PAR). (61)
While few studies have compared these approaches, one review suggests
that PAR generates more positive outcomes. (62) Several key examples
of "expert" AR and PAR interventions, which focused
on improving workers' physical or mental health, are briefly summarized
below, followed by a discussion of policy and research issues.
Expert­Dominated Action
In a classic example,
Jackson took advantage of a state legislative mandate for more
frequent staff meetings in hospitals to measure the effects of
participation in decision­making on job stress, job satisfaction,
absenteeism and turnover. (63) Units where the intervention was
implemented held twice as many staff meetings as in non­intervention
units. Workers in participating units reported greater influence,
less role conflict and ambiguity, less emotional strain, and greater
job satisfaction at three month and six­month follow­up.
In another example,
Golembiewski and colleagues worked with 31 "burned out"
and overworked Human Resources (HR) staff of a corporation
in the midst of rapid growth. (64) Four action planning
groups developed recommendations, and the entire staff prioritized
them and prepared implementation plans, which were presented to
a corporate oversight committee. As a result, an HR career ladder
was introduced as well as a change in reporting structure. Effects
included a 50 percent reduction in reported ',burnout' that remained
low four months after the last intervention, a turnover decline
from 37 percent to 17 percent, and a significant increase in reports
of "innovativeness."
Participatory Action Research (PAR).
An example of PAR was
a six­year study by Israel, Schurman and colleagues in a components
parts plant of a major unionized automobile company. (38, 65)
With agreement from local union leadership and plant management,
and working with union and management representatives, they set
up a representative employee committee, primarily comprised of
shop-floor employees -- the Stress and Wellness Committee (SWC)
-- to implement the project. Using the PAR process of iterative
cycles of diagnosis, action­taking and evaluation, the committee
identified four primary sources of stress and designed interventions
(through subcommittees) for each: lack of participation and influence,
hassles with supervisors, lack of information / communication,
and "production vs. quality." Interventions included
establishment of a pilot cross­functional team in one department
to address quality issues, convincing factory management to conduct
state of­the­business meetings in each department, and
creation of a weekly plant newsletter. Overall, SWC members report
high levels of trust in and influence over the committee process.
In addition, other employees who were more involved in and knowledgeable
about the PAR project reported greater increases in participation,
perceived participative climate and co­worker support than
others with less exposure. (66)
Another example of PAR
in a unionized setting began with a survey by Cahill of "burn­out''
and symptoms of stress among employees of the New Jersey child
protection agency. (67) The survey, which found significantly
higher levels of "burn­out" than in national samples
of social workers, was presented by the employees' union in a
legislative hearing. One result of the hearing was the formation
of a labor­management stress committee, which identified the
agencies existing mainframe computer system as a major source
of stress. The system included repetitive de­skilled work
for clericals, lack of control of data for administrators and
social workers, hard­to­interpret monthly reports, and
ergonomically poor work stations. The stress committee recruited
a computer programmer to design software jointly with the local
employees who would use a new PC­based system. Once the new
system was in operation, workers reported significantly higher
levels of job satisfaction, decision latitude, skill discretion,
control over equipment, a more streamlined information flow between
local and central offices, and improved ergonomic conditions.
A final example of PAR
to reduce job stress was developed by Lerner and colleagues at
the Institute for Labor and Mental Health, and was based outside
the workplace. (68) Strategies for raising awareness of the social
and workplace sources of stress included: meeting with unions;
organizing a conference on job stress where workers told their
story to government, public health officials and the media; a
"family day" with workshops on stress of family and
work life; and Occupational Stress Groups (OSGs). OSGs of 10 workers,
led by shop stewards, met for eight to 12 weeks to discuss stress
at work, develop social support, discuss the dangers of self-blame
for feelings of powerlessness or stress, and to develop strategies
for collective action. At follow­up, OSG participants showed
significant improvements on virtually all measures of psychological
well­being in comparison to controls. Behavioral changes and
initiatives taken to improve the workplace were also reported
in group interviews.
Other union­sponsored
and work site­based initiatives, the OCAW Work and Family
Program (69) and the District 65 UAW Stress Project (70), build
on the OSG format. Both employ group meetings to raise awareness
of stressful working conditions (and their impact on family life)
and then develop collective bargaining proposals to improve working
PAR approaches with
strong union involvement have significant advantages over weaker
expert-dominated or management­dominated AR programs. Strong
union involvement can ensure that the potential dangers of OD
are minimized and that interventions genuinely improve the work
environment. Unions played important roles in initiating and sustaining
structural change in the auto parts factory and in the New Jersey
state agency, as well as, of course, in developing the OSG, OCAW
and District 65 programs. However, such programs are limited by
the low unionization rate in the U.S. The community­based
approach used by Lerner can be especially useful in non-union
settings (such as COSH group efforts to educate and help organize
non­union workers), or where unionized employers refuse to
cooperate or commit required support and resources.
PAR is a flexible set
of intervention processes and methods, not a pre­packaged
canned program. This allows it to be effective in different contexts,
with different occupational groups, and with resulting different
strategies and tactics. It is also an innovative social research
method, which makes it valuable for occupational health research.
PAR is an effective tool for the evaluation of change because
both quantitative and qualitative data are included, and process,
impact, and outcome are assessed (thus requiring multi-disciplinary
teams skilled in these techniques). For example, the intervention
in the auto parts factory included three administrations of a
plant-wide survey (including standardized survey scales), focus
group interviews and five surveys of committee members, in-depth
interviews of all committee members and plant union and management
leaders, and verbatim field notes from committee meetings. Other
studies included standardized surveys and objective records such
as frequency of staff meetings, absenteeism and turnover. Such
multi­method approaches permit "triangulation,"
that is, cross-validation of and increased confidence in the results.
(38, p. 148) Process data enable participants and researchers
to assess not just what happened but why it happened (including
obstacles to change). Impact data can reveal which organizational
or individual factors are affected by the intervention, and through
which pathways. For example, in the auto parts factory, regression
analysis of survey results indicated that the positive effects
of participation were channeled through perceptions of influence.
Outcome data can answer questions about health effects.
Another important research
issue is the need for longitudinal designs, with adequate time
for follow­up. For example, the amount of change reported
by the intervention group in Jackson's study increased significantly
between the first and second post­tests, suggesting that participation
takes time to create effects. In the auto parts factory, 1.5 years
was needed to conduct organizational diagnosis and needs assessment
prior to engaging in major change strategies.
Thus, PAR to reduce
job stress appears to work in two main ways (corresponding to
arrows A and B of Karasek's model in figure 1), by: 1. modifying
objective stressful conditions in the social and/or technical
environment; and 2. the active (individual and collective) learning
workers experience in successfully affecting positive change (for
example, enhanced perceptions of control and influence, development
of skills, positive self­appraisal, strengthened relationships
with co-workers).
Genuine PAR allows workers
not only to problem­solve but also to, jointly, with researchers,
define targets for research and intervention and evaluate
change (to be involved in all aspects of the intervention). Workers
bang a richness of experience that enhances problem definition
and hypothesis development, as well as insights to creating change.
(71, 72) For example, workers can specify the concrete manifestations
of job demands or low job control in a particular workplace (not
captured by standardized scales), necessary for targeting change
efforts. Researchers bring a rich knowledge base, methods of questionnaire
construction and research design, and other means of improving
study validity. While some researchers argue that participant
involvement in social research could bias results due to improper
wording of questionnaires, or attempts to influence survey response,
bias can also result from employees' unwillingness to participate
or candidly present their opinions "when involved with conventional
research projects, because they associate researchers with management
and the existing hierarchical structure." In addition, PAR
researchers' use of multiple methods provides limit insights from
the participants' "inside" understanding of attitudes,
needs, and the social environment. (38, p. 140)
Genuine PAR (as opposed
to some QWL programs) increases the skills and activism of those
participating in the intervention, although to date there is no
evidence that it strengthens union solidarity. However, just as
active and assertive union involvement in health and safety training
programs strengthens the union's position and credibility in the
eyes of its members (73), benefits should be expected when the
union is actively involved in improving other issues of concern
to workers-job design and psychosocial work environment. (74,
Personal stress management
and health promotion was a component in many of these programs
(including the District 65, UAW stress program). By discussing
personal behavior change within the context of an overall program
to improve the work environment, self-blame for behaviors or feelings
of stress is avoided, and the union shows it is concerned about
the personal welfare of its members. It can also be an organizing
tactic to help gain publicity and support for the overall program,
as in the auto parts factory study. In general, multiple levels
(individual, group, organization, society) need to be targeted
for interventions to effectively reduce stress. (76)
Even in successful interventions,
many obstacles to change remain, for example, management turnover,
lack of management support, pending layoffs and general market
conditions in the auto parts factory. In the New Jersey state
agency, information and technology managers were initially resistant,
perceiving the new technology and software as a threat to their
power. Ensuring that they received some credit for the success
of the project eventually led to their strong support for the
PAR can be a valuable
technique in traditional occupational health programs. (71, 77)
In addition, occupational health professionals and unionists can
play a critical role in the next stage of stress research and
stress prevention, by 1. adding physical health as an outcome
in PAR programs to improve the psychosocial work environment;
2. studying the effect of the physical work environment and fear
of injury, on perceived stress and psychological well­being;
and 3. studying the possible interaction between physical
and psychosocial hazards in the production of heart disease, hypertension,
and psychological distress, and other outcomes potentially related
to job stress, such as musculoskeletal disorders (78), adverse
pregnancy outcomes (79), and "sick building syndrome."
In addition to more
recent PAR programs, collective bargaining has been a traditional
strategy to increase employee decision latitude (authority, influence,
skill), and to regulate demands through contract language on issues
such as job security, overtime, seniority, discrimination, technological
change, skills training, career ladders, staffing, grievance procedures,
and labor­management committees. (81­83) For example,
the nurses' shortage during the 198Os in the U.S. has been attributed
to factors such as low salary and job stress. Nurses have expressed
a strong desire to be treated as professionals, which can be denied
through understaffing, lack of autonomy, or an authoritarian work
climate. In response, unions have bargained for clinical career
ladders for RNs in various specialties, joint physician­nurse
committees, greater in­service education (84), and quality
patient care and personnel committee. (82)
Many clerical workers
have joined unions in the last decade, in part due to issues related
to job stress: career mobility, pay equity, job security, child
care, flextime, parental leave, sexual harassment, having a "voice"
through union­management committees, and video display terminal
(VDT) work. (85) VDT workers have bargained for better ergonomic
conditions, but have also learned that adjustable equipment is
not enough. For example, at a New York City newspaper, a union-management
committee discovered that job design issues such as control over
schedule, regular breaks, work variety, and training were as important
as the purchase of new equipment. (86) The National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is conducting various
studies of the role of psychosocial factors in the development
of cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs) among VDT operators. (87)
At least six million
U.S. workers were electronically monitored in 1987, with the number
expected to grow. (88) As part of a 1992 settlement of a Communications
Workers of America (CWA) lawsuit, Northern Telecom agreed to prohibit
secret voice, computer, and video monitoring of employees. (89)
A CWA­U.S. West contract banned monitoring in 1989 with the
help of early results from a study that showed that monitored
workers had higher rates not just of psychological distress but
also "stiff or sore wrists," "loss of feeling in
fingers or wrists" other symptoms of CTDs. (90) Similar studies
by Bell Canada and the Communications Workers of Canada led to
restrictions on monitoring in 1990. (89) Recently, AT&T agreed
to ban secret monitoring of the job performance of workers. (91)
A new study at U.S. West by NIOSH showed and stress due to monitoring,
fear of job loss, increasing work pressure, and little job decision-making
opportunity contributes to injures even when proper equipment
is used. (92)
The apparent interaction
between psychosocial stress and physical stress and injury and
illness needs to be better understood. Monitored workers have
reported aspects of "job strain" (greater workload,
less job control, unfair work standards, less skill use and variety),
and poorer supervisor support. Do such factors lead to fewer breaks,
longer work hours, or faster typing? Does increased muscle tension
play a role? While some of the 10­fold increase in reported
CTDs over the last decade (93) is undoubtedly due to better reporting,
these studies suggest that some may be due to work speed­up,
de-skilling of jobs into simpler, more repetitive tasks, lack
of control, and fear of job loss.
Electronic monitoring
is often used to punish, not reward (for example, by publicly
displaying results), managers over­rely on it, and an emphasis
on quantity not quality is created. (94) However, unions have
shown that there are productive alternatives to monitoring. For
example, CWA members at an Arizona facility, together with AT&T
management, "eliminated individual measurement and remote
secret observation. AWT (average work time) was measured only
for the whole group. Service observation was performed by small
groups of peers by the old­fashioned 'jack­in' method,
where the observer sits beside the person being monitored, listens
to a few calls and then discusses the results with the employee."
As a result, AWT was better than under previous methods of supervision,
them were fewer customer complaints, and both the grievance
rate and absenteeism were lower. (94)
The loss of the 1981 PATCO strike and the firing of 11,000 unionized workers was a major setback in workers' rights to organize and strike. Some argue that PATCO's biggest failure was that it could not make an effective case for job stress a major strike issue. (95) The job of air traffic controller includes many aspects of "job strain:" 1. high demands (through understaffing, mandatory overtime, few vacations); 2. poor skill utilization (because of poor training methods, outmoded
equipment, few opportunities
for promotion); 3. little authority (due to an autocratic system
and military style management, where grievants are labeled as
troublemakers and not promoted). (95, 96) These conditions persist
and, not surprisingly, new controllers have joined a new union
and stress remains a major issue.
However, medical proof
of the job's hazards has remained elusive. While the major 1975-78
health study of controllers did report prevalence of hypertension
1.5 times that of national samples, and incidence of new cases
of hypertension up to four times higher (97), much analysis focused
on individual and psychological differences among men in the study.
In addition, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) emphasized
only the individual differences (not the high dissatisfaction
with "management policies and practices" noted in the
study, (97, p. 6281), and never published the non­technical
summary of the study. (2, p. 1301­3) For years, the FAA had
ordered researchers conducting their stress studies "not
to make recommendations" for corrective action. (2, p. 895)
The FAA's technical representative to the study later testified
that if the findings of the study (and 28 other FAA studies) had
been applied, '1 am absolutely certain" that the 1981 strike
"would have been averted." (2, p. 874) Air traffic controllers'
experience of stress and desire for equity had been deflected
into a debate about the quality of scientific evidence on stress
and health. (98)
In 1981, PATCO's collective
bargaining demands focused on ways of "escaping" rather
than "confronting" job stress: reduced work hours, early
retirement, and higher salary demands which did not win public
sympathy. Alternative strategies such as improving organizational
climate, supervision and communication (99) or more power over
the work process, for example, flow control, curbing unregulated
pleasure aircraft, disciplining of authoritarian supervisors,
or more new hires, were not attempted. (95, p. 187) There were,
of course, other reasons why the strike was lost, such as failure
to effectively build alliances with other unions (95), poor public
relations (100), and, most importantly, an intransigent administration
in Washington, DC. However, former PATCO officer Bill Taylor emphasized
that "knowing what I know now, I think we should have tried
to double our effort to inform the public what the strike was
all about, which was bargaining rights, not money." (101
A more constructive
resolution to a labor-management conflict over working conditions
and health was arrived at by a union of toll collectors and a
New York City agency. While a specific toxin had not been identified
as the cause of illness among 34 bridge toll workers in New York
City in 1990, union officials had 'bridled" at the suggestion
that the outbreak was due to "stress." (102, 103). The
union had attempted for years to improve safety and health conditions
for the toll collectors, who have elevated heart disease mortality
rates, due, at least in part, to documented excess exposure to
carbon monoxide (CO) from automobile exhaust. After the outbreak,
union officials demanded permanent air-monitoring equipment and
better ventilation. Some union officials acknowledged that while
the first cases in the outbreak may have been due to inhalation
of toxic vapors (arising from the burning of plastic­coated
wire), later cases may have been due to "anxiety." (102)
The union and the agency recently bargained a substantial medical
surveillance program, whose primary focus is on heart disease
risk due to CO exposure. The program will also evaluate the possible
role of "job strain" as an independent or interactive
risk factor for heart disease.
Workers compensation.
for the insurance industry argue that claims for "mental
injury" rose sharply during the 1980s, and now account for
about 15 percent of all occupational disease claims nationwide
(104) -- figures used to justify current efforts to limit claims.
However, accurate data is difficult to obtain. In California,
for example, one of only six states which considers mental injuries
caused by gradual mental or emotional stress to be compensable,
and a state with the most liberal law, the rate of mental stress
(claims increased 540 percent between 1979-88, according to state
data. (105) However, the 9,368 reported cases in 1988 represented
only two percent of total disabling work injuries. According to
an insurance industry institute in California, many claims are
not reported to the state agency, and self­insured public
employers have higher rates, suggesting that the number of stress
claims is actually four fumes higher. (105) However, even the
higher estimate does not support arguments that business "is
under siege" (104), but is compatible with growing awareness
of the job stress­illness link
The California insurance
institute study indicated that stress claimants are more likely
to be female and older than other work-disabled employees. Sales
and clerical workers filed 40 percent of stress claims. Fewer
than 10 percent of the claims followed a specific incident (for
example, armed robbery), rather job pressures (69 percent) and
harassment (35 percent) were the most common cited reasons for
the claim. (105) While it is difficult to generalize from this
data, since many factors influence workers' ability or intention
to file for compensation, it is compatible with the mode! of "job
strain" as cumulative exposure to job pressures and low job
control. The law still generally works against the worker since
the burden of proof is upon the worker to define a condition and
establish work­relatedness. (106)
Recently, employers
have pushed for tighter standards for stress claims. A 1990 amendment
to the New York State law restricts "mental­mental"
claims when stress results from a normal personnel decision
(work evaluation, job transfer, demotion) when taken in "good
faith" by the employer. Similarly, since 1989, in California,
the law requires that workers receive a psychiatric diagnosis
of mental injury, and that "actual events" in the workplace
were responsible for at least 10 percent of the causation of the
injury not simply the worker's perception of stress. (105) It
remains to be seen to what extent the new scientific evidence
on "job strain" will be used in compensation cases to
explain causation for mental injury, hypertension, or heart disease.
Legislation and political
action. In the
U.S., job stressors are not covered by OSHA. There are no health
standards for shift work, piecework, machine-pacing, de-skilling,
job security, isolated work, or technological change (as in Scandinavia).
(107) An innovative campaign, however, is being waged by the Service
Employees international Union (SEIU) in Pennsylvania to reduce
back injuries and stress caused by inadequate staffing in nursing
homes. (OSHA has already cited several nursing homes under the
General Duty Clause for insufficient staff to do person transfers.)
The campaign is in support of a proposed state law that would
compel nursing homes to reveal information about staffing, injuries
and profits, and set minimum staffing levels. (108) A recent SEIU
national survey of nurses re-emphasized concerns about work load
demands, understaffing and stress, and called for OSHA standards
for nursing (including staffing), and providing health care workers
with a voice in decisions. (109)
On the national level,
support by the Clinton administration for the concepts of ''high­skill,
high­wage strategies" and "worker participation"
(110) to improve the competitiveness of U.S. businesses holds
the promise for a new focus on developing healthier work environments
and reducing "job strain." However, in order to genuinely
promote ''high skill," active and lower "strain"
jobs, job training and job design programs need to: 1. go beyond
basic job skills, or narrow technical skills, and include "job
ladders" or "career paths;" 2. promote computer
software that encourages discretion and flexibility ("system
knowledge"); 3. make skill training accessible to workers'
schedules; and 4. keep skilled jobs in the bargaining unit and
therefore increase rather than decrease union strength. (111,
In addition, a variety
of current legislative proposals could help increase job control
and support, for example, laws that limit electronic monitoring
and regulate VDT work. Other proposals could reduce the more general
burden of social stress on individuals, such as laws on parental
and personal leave, day care and elder care, voluntary overtime
and shift work, a limited work week to create jobs, job sharing
and part time work (8, 9) Even the OSHA reform bill (through mandated
joint committees, improved worker training and enforcement, protection
against discrimination, and improved recordkeeping) could spur
efforts to identify and reduce psychosocial risk factors, most
likely through investigation of hypertension and musculoskeletal
disorders. Psychosocial risk factors could be considered for inclusion
in the forthcoming ergonomics standard.
The goal of all these
interventions and strategies is to produce a healthy workplace
-- in which workers are respected, where they have the opportunity
to develop their skills and abilities, and where authority is
shared, in other words, workplace democracy. Therefore, it is
also important to consider legislation that would strengthen workers'
collective voice (that is, unions) through banning of permanent
replacements for strikers, and, in general, reforming labor law,
as well as other means of increasing workers' influence and economic
security, such as full employment and opportunities for employee
The "job strain" studies and other research support the idea that social factors play a critical role in the production of common chronic diseases, such as heart disease and hypertension. The intervention studies, and other prevention strategies, indicate that the work environment can be modified to increase employee influence, skills, authority, and support, and to regulate demands. Participatory action research, collective bargaining, and legislation can be effective tools to achieve these goals. Effective PAR requires strong union involvement, while collectively bargained programs can benefit from PAR
methods to involve workers
and evaluate change. While the growing evidence linking job stress
with illness helps to overcome the notion that psychosocial explanations
for disease are not legitimate, vigilance needs to continue against
our society's dominant ideology which uses the stress explanation
to "blame the victim" indicting those who become ill
as well.
We believe that the
evidence presented supports the following actions. First, "job
strain" assessment instruments should be included in workplace
health surveillance and health promotion programs, and in occupational
health clinic educational material. Second, unions and their allies
need to further increase their emphasis on contract language,
education, organizing, and legislation on issues related to their
members' job design, work organization, quality of work life,
schedule flexibility, and work and family concerns. Third, multidisciplinary
teams (including workers, union and company officials, occupational
health specialists, epidemiologists, labor and health educators,
social psychologists, physicians and nurses), using PAR methods,
can design, implement, and evaluate interventions to reduce or
prevent exposure to psychosocial and physical health hazards and
risk of illness. Fourth, further research is needed on various
health outcomes (other than cardiovascular disease) potentially
related to "job strain" or stress in general, including
psychological disorders (4), musculoskeletal disorders (78), adverse
pregnancy outcomes (79), "sick building syndrome" (80),
work injuries (113), and immune system functioning (114), and
the possible synergistic effects of psychosocial and physical
health hazards. Modern workplaces embrace a complex set of risk
factors, including psychosocial and physical/chemical.
Research is also needed
on the connection between "job strain" and heart disease
risk factors such as smoking, alcohol and diet, physiological
mechanisms underlying heart disease, the effects of gender, race
and social class, and time trends. Similarly, further research
is needed on the mechanisms and pathways underlying the effects
of participation (for example, perceived influence, skill development,
social support) on improvements in satisfaction and self esteem,
as well as aspects of intervention strategy associated with genuine
organizational change. The Karasek "job strain" model
has contributed greatly to the field through its clarity, predictions
of health and behavioral outcomes, and emphasis on the concepts
of demands, control, and support. It can now benefit from the
expansion of the concepts of demands and control, to include measures
contained in the Michigan stress model. (39, 40)
We believe that the
"high demands + low control + low support" paradigm
also provides a useful working model for understanding associations
between more general social stress and health. Since hypertension
is prevalent in all industrialized societies (both market and
state­owned economies), and since blood pressure does not
typically rise with age in non­industrial societies (for example,
hunter-gatherers and agricultural communities) (115), we need
to consider what aspects of industrial society (such as social
class differences or "job strain") account for
this effect. For example, home and family demands and lack of
control may impact on health. (42) Unemployment, with its resulting
health effects (116), can be perceived of as an extreme case of
loss of control. Even the threat of unemployment can increase
competition (demands) and lead to a decreased sense of control
among remaining employees. (5, p. 307) The decline in the standard
of living since the 1960s and the economic necessity for both
parents to work is a major reason for increased work hours (increased
demands) in the U.S. (9) Finally, lower SES presents increased
cardiovascular and other health risks possibly due to limited
influence, resources, and opportunities, as well as a poorer physical
environment. (43)
For example, rates of
heart disease mortality and all-cause morbidity have risen (primarily
for men) in Eastern Europe since the 1960s in contrast to substantial
declines in Western Europe, Canada, Japan, and the U.5. (117)
This has been attributed by public health officials to 'lifestyle"
factors such as smoking, alcohol, and a fatty diet, rather than,
for example, environmental pollution. (118) However, the post­World
War 2 period was also a period of urbanization, social migration,
industrialization based on the principles of Taylorism, and introduction
of and adjustment to a political system which allowed citizens
limited control both in society and in the workplace. We need
to consider the possible effects of these social changes not only
on lifestyle behaviors, but on the prevalence of "job strain,"
or more directly on cardiovascular health.
Just as the elimination
of infectious diseases as the major causes of mortality over the
last century occurred due to social changes, improvements in sanitation
and nutrition, and elimination of slum conditions (and just as
the reappearance of diseases such as tuberculosis has resulted
from social neglect), chronic diseases are related to the physical
and social environments in which people live and wore Our social
epidemiological model of illness explicitly recognizes that work
reorganization, workplace democracy, and broader societal changes
(social and economic democracy) are needed to reduce the risk
of cardiovascular disease and improve emotional well-being.
The authors would like
to thank Philip Landrigan, David LeGrande, and Dominic Tuminaro
for their advice on portions of this article, as well as the suggestions
of anonymous reviewers.
1. For example, in 1984,
Dr. Robert Karasek reviewed a film on stress produced by the Federal
Aviation Administration and shown to all air traffic controllers.
The film stated that stress depends on demands and the individual's
coping style-control over the situation was not mentioned. To
cope with stress, the film advised controllers to question that
real world events are causes of stress, rather interpretations
of events are the major cause. The film stated that employee expectations
of fair treatment are often emotional in the modern setting, and
that workers' misformed expectations of fairness are the source
of problems. Finally, exclusively individual solutions (for example,
visualizations. of babbling brooks) were recommended. (2)
2. U.S. Congress. House.
Committee on Public Works and Transportation, Hearing before the
Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight. Status of the Air
Traffic Control System, 98th Congress, May 4, June 7; October
28, 1983; March 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29; April 4; June 26, 27,
1984; H. Rept. 98-93 pp. 785-787.
3. A number of recent
developments suggest a growing awareness of the need to accord
stress a major role in the occupational health agenda, including
the publication of three essential books on this topic, by Karasek
and Theorell (5), Johnson and Johannsson (51), and the International
Labor Office. (36) Similarly, recent major conferences have focused
on this topic: "Participatory Approaches to Improving Workplace
Health," Labor Studies Center, University of Michigan, June
3-5, 1991 (presentation summaries available), and the 1990 and
1992 job stress conferences sponsored by the National institute
for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the American Psychological
Association (APA). (Some presentations available in "Stress
and Well­Being at Work: Assessments and Interventions for
Occupational Mental Health," Washington, DC APA)
4. Sauter, S. L, Murphy,
L R, Hurrell, J.J., Jr. "Prevention of Work­Related Psychological
Disorders," American Psychologist 45 (1990):114~1158.
5. Karasek, R, Theorell
T. Healthy Work. New York: Basic Books, 1990.
6. The term "stress"
is used in this paper to refer to the broad range of psychosocial
factors and their insulting mechanisms that affect the worker
due to impacts on behavioral, psychological, or physiological
outcomes. Within the job stress research community, the term "strain"
is typically used to indicate the short­term or intermediate
effect of job stress (for example, alterations in the hormonal
system of the body), which eventually lead to the development
of disease. The terminology of "stress" leading to "strain"
and then to disease is actually borrowed from the way these terms
are used in engineering. In this paper, we use the term job strain"
in a more specific way to refer to the objective workplace causes
of "stress" described in the Karasek job strain"
7. Johnson J. V., Hall
E M., Theorell T. "Combined effects of job strain and social
isolation on cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality in
a random sample of the Swedish male working population,­ Scandinavian
Journal of Work, Environment and Health 15 (1989):271­279.
8. Quinn, M. M., Buiatti,
E. "Women Changing the Times," New Solutions 1
9. Brandt, B. "The
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10. Kasinsky, R G. "Sexual
Harassment A Health Hazard for Women Workers," New Solutions
2 (1992): 74-83.
11. Spangler, E. "Sexual
Harassment: Labor Relations by Other Means," New Solutions
3 (1992):23­30.
12. Schnall, P. L, Landsbergis,
P. A. Baker, D. "Job Strain and Cardiovascular Disease,"
Annual Review of Public Health, 1994 (under review)
13. Schurman, S. J.,
Israel, B. A., Hugentobler, M. K. "Changing the Work Environment
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and Recommendations for Research and Practice," in preparation.
14. American Heart Association.
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15. This estimate of
population attributable risk was derived from five studies in
which multivariate models were used to calculate the association
between "job strain" and heart disease. These models
controlled for other risk factors (for example, age, education,
cigarette smoking, serum cholesterol, and blood pressure) in many
cases. To the extent that potential confounding was not adequately
controlled for, the 23 percent figure may be an overestimate
of the potential benefits of inducing "job strain".
However, to the extent that standard heart disease risk factors
are in the causal pathway between "job strain" and heart
disease, controlling for them provides a conservative estimate
of risk-an underestimate of the true complete effect of exposure
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77. "Moving Towards
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78. Bongers, P. M.,
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80. National Institute
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81. Shostak, A. B. "Union
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and M. J. Smith (Eds.) Job Stress snd Blue-Collar Work.
New York: Wiley, 1985: 195-205.
82. Service Employees
International Union. Stress: Contract Provisions. Washington,
DC: SEIU, 1983.
83. Unions have also
developed valuable worker education materials on job stress that
use the Small Group Activity Method and the principles of empowerment
education. Sources include the Communications Workers of America,
District 1; District 65, UAW; and the Labor Institute, in New
York City; 9 to 5, National Association of Working Women, Cleveland,
OH; and the Workers Health and Safety Centre, Kingston, Ontario.
84. Landsbergis, P.
"Occupational Stress Among Nurses: New Developments in Theory
and Prevention," in J.H. Humphrey (Ed.) Human Strcss:
Currcnt Selected Research (Vol. 3). New York: AMC Press, 1989:
85. AFL­CIO News,
January 26,
1985; May 23,1988; July 8, 1989; February 1, 1993; Labor Notes,
December 1985; October, 1989.
86. Dena Bunis, personal
communication, February, 1993.
87. Bernard, B. "Psychosocial
Factors for Musculoskeletal Disorders," Paper to be Presented
at the American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA,
October, 1993.
88. U.S. Congress, Office
of Technology Assessment, "The Electronic Supervisor: New
Technology, New Tensions," OTA-CIT­333. Washington, DC:
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1987.
89. "Northern Telecom
Ends Worker Monitoring," VDT Ncws, March/April 1992.
90. Smith, M. J., Carayon,
P., Sanders, K. J., Lim, S­Y., LeGrande, D. "Employee
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91. Ramirez, A. "A.T.&T.
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92. National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health. Health Hazard Evaluation
Report. Cincinnati, OH: NIOSH, July 1942 (HETA 89­299­2230).
93. Bureau of Labor
Statistics. "Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses
in 1991." Washington, DC: US. Department of Labor, 1992
94. "The Electronic
Supervisor," op. cit., p. 39, 46-48, 57; Massachusetts Coalition
on New Offlce Technology, "Electronic Monitoring in the Workplace:
Supervision or Surveillance?" Boston, 1989.
95. Shostak, A. B.,
Skocik, D. The Air Controllers' Controversy. New York:
Human Sciences Press, 1986.
96. Landsbergis, P.
"Is Air Traffic Control a Stressful Occupation?" Labor
Studies Journal 11 (1986) :117­134.
97. Rose, R. M., Jenkins, C. D., Hurst, M. W. Air Traffic Controller Health Change Study. Washington, DC: Department of
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98. Tesh, S. "The
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99. Bowers, D. G. "What
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Dynamics (1983):5-19.
100. Hund, R W., Kriesky,
J. K. "The Rise and Demise of PATCO Reconstructed,"
Industrial and Labor Relations Review 40 (1986):115-121.
101. "Five Years
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102. Golden, T. "Was
Illness at Bridges in the Minds of Workers," New York
Times (March 12, 1990).
103. Cases of similar
physical symptoms among a group of workers without an identifiable
pathogen (known as "epidemic psychogenic illness," EPI)
have been extensively analyzed by NIOSH and others. (For excample:
Colligan, M., Pennebaker, J., Murphy, L. (Eds.) Mass Psychogenic
Illncss: A Social Psychological Analysis. Hillsdale,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1982.) Work organization in workplaces where
EPI has occurred has been chracacterizd as repetitive or boring
work with rigid pacing and high job pressures, strict rules, and
a lack of communication and social interaction. While EPI can
therefore be regarded as a desperate reaction to excessive "job
strain," another explanation is that low­level chemical
exposure and stress may have synergistic effects.
104. DeCarlo. D. T.,
Gruenfeld, D. H. Stress in the American Workplace. Fort
Washington, PA: LRP Publications, 1989: 11.
105. California Workers'
Compensation Institute, "Mental Stress Claims in California
Workers' Compensation -- Incidence, Costs and Trends," San
Francisco: California Workers' Compensation Institute, 199O.
106. Elisburg, D. "Workers'
Compensation Stress Claims: Employee Issues," Paper Presented
at the APA/NIOSH Conference on Occupational Stress, Washington,
DC, November, 1992.
107. Deutsch, S. "Work
Environment Reform and Industrial Democracy," Sociology
of Work ond Occupations 8 (1981):180-194.
108. Service Employees
lnternational Union. The High Cost of Short Staffing. Washington,
DC: SElU, 1992.
109. Service Employees
International Union. The National Nurse Survey. Washington,
DC SEIU, 1993.
110. Byrne, M. "Reich,
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111. Richardson, C "Training
to Improve Working Conditions, and Build Union Strength,"
Paper Presented at the International Metalworkers' Federation
Conference, Helsinki, Finland, September, 1991.
112. Richardson, C.
"Technology, Training and Work Organization," New
Solutions 3 (1993): 5-6.
113. Johnson, J. L.
"Work Injury and Stress," Paper Presented at the APA/NlOSH
Conference on Occupational Stress, Washington, DC, November, 1992.
114. Henningsen, G.
M., Hurrell, J. J., Baker, F., Douglas, C., MacKenzie, B. A.,
Robertson, S. K, Phipps, F. C. "Measurement of Salivary Immunoglobulin
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115. Schnall, P. L.,
Kern, R. "Hypertension in American Society: An Introduction
to Historical Materialist Epidemiology," in P. Conrad and
R. Kern (eds.) The Sociology of Health and Illness. New
York St. Martin's Press, 1981: 97­122.
116. Brenner, H. Economy,
Society and Health, Washington, DC: Economic Policy
Institute, 1992.
117. Uemura, K, Pisa,
Z. "Trends in Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Industrialized
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118. Levenstein, C. "Occupational Health in Eastern Europe During Political and Economic Transition," Paper Presented at the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, November, 1992.